Maura is honored to represent the people of the Illinois House of Representatives 49th District and hopes to continue to bring the voices of this district to Springfield. The following organizations have endorsed her candidacy or acknowledged her work as being in alignment with their values and goals.
Maura is a lifelong reproductive justice advocate and will stand for the full spectrum women's health services.
Planned Parenthood Illinois Action (PPIA) is an independent, nonpartisan, 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood in Illinois. PPIA engages in educational and electoral activity, including public education campaigns, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy on behalf of commonsense policies that protect and foster the sexual and reproductive health and rights of individuals, families, and communities.
The Gun Violence Prevention Political Action Committee (G-PAC) was founded to counter the political influence of the gun industry and their lobby in Springfield. G-PAC raises the resources necessary to protect and elect public officials with the courage to stand up to the gun lobby.
I know that the best team to make personal medical decisions is a person and their chosen doctor.
Personal PAC is focused on one thing: making sure that Illinois always remains a state where abortion is safe, legal, and accessible to every woman. We fight to remind elected officials that the health and well-being of women is their job. We fight to defeat politicians who take those rights away.
I believe in the inherent worth of all people regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, or socioeconomic status. I am proud to be endorsed by Equality Illinois and will work with them to fulfill their vision of a “fair and unified Illinois where everyone is treated with dignity and respect and where all people live freely regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or gender expression.”
Equality Illinois’ Political Action Committee (PAC) was created to promote candidates for public office who will advocate for and support legislation that advances full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and families. They are a nonpartisan PAC that supports candidates of any sexual orientation.
Stand Illinois makes an impact by advocating for policies and funding that level the playing field so that all students have a fair chance to succeed in the classroom and in life.
As the daughter of hardworking, lifelong public educators and union members, and a former elementary educator myself, I firmly believe that quality, equitable public education is the cornerstone of our society. I am proud to be endorsed by the IEA and am committed to advocating the needs of our excellent public school teachers.
The Illinois Education Association-NEA’s mission is to effect excellence and equity in public education and to be THE advocacy organization for all public education employees.
The Humane Society Legislative Fund was formed in 2004 as a separate lobbying affiliate of The Humane Society of the United States. HSLF works to pass animal protection laws at the state and federal levels, to educate the public about animal protection issues, and to support humane candidates for office.
I am honored and do not take lightly that the Fraternal Order of Police has chosen to endorse my candidacy. It shows that, despite differences in opinion on how we should get there, our end goals are the same: safety for community, safety and quality of life for the law enforcement officers who honorably protect and serve, and increased confidence in our law enforcement systems. I have worked and will continue to work with all good-faith stakeholders to achieve a better life for Illinoisans.
The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more Illinois State Lodge being the second largest state lodge in the national organization. We are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.
The Committee to Protect Health Care endorses candidates who exhibit a commitment to working toward solutions to the health care issues people across the United States face every day: Lack of affordable or adequate health coverage, high prescription drug costs, and threats to reproductive health care services.
The mission of the Democratic Women of DuPage County is to unite democratic women, to promote the Democratic Party, to encourage and assist Democratic women candidates in DuPage County, to support the full participation of women in every level of the Democratic party structure, and to provide educational, social, and networking experiences and opportunities for Democratic women in DuPage County.
As a former elementary school teacher and parent to 3 children in public schools, Maura is committed to advocating for educators, students, and increased funding for education from early childhood to college and beyond.
The IFT supports legislative initiatives that guarantee high-quality public schools and provide every Illinois student with a world class education and a bright future. The IFT also promotes policies that protect our members' professions and the bargaining rights of all working people, especially those professionals who have dedicated their lives to public service. Through the IFT’s Department of Political Activities, our union supports legislative policy and political objectives at the community, state and national levels. Our mission is carried out through an aggressive, organized program of advocacy and year-round monitoring.
I found the power of my voice as a @MomsDemand local lead and am proud to once again receive the Gun Sense Candidate distinction! I have dedicated myself to this work and will continue to fight for common sense gun safety.
Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. We pass stronger gun laws and work to close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. We also work in our own communities and with business leaders to encourage a culture of responsible gun ownership. We know that gun violence is preventable, and we’re committed to doing what it takes to keep families safe.
Firefighters take enormous risks in the line of duty to keep our communities safe. I am proud to stand with AFFI and honored to have their endorsement.
The Mission of the AFFI is to: promote superior fire protection and emergency services for the taxpayers and citizens of Illinois; organize, support, and educate local unions; connect, energize, and advocate for the welfare of the professional union fire fighters and EMS providers of the State of Illinois; and provide a unified voice for legislation that promotes the interests of professional union fire fighters and EMS providers. To accomplish this mission, the AFFI provides services to support and educate local unions and individual members, with an emphasis on collective bargaining, legislative affairs and education.
NASW’s support and expertise is essential in the crafting of legislation that supports survivors. It is an honor to have their endorsement.
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards for social workers, and to advance sound social policies.
I support legislation that pushes us towards clean energy and is intersectional in its approach to environmental and social justice. It is critical that we take steps to solve the climate crisis while providing support for the people who are disproportionately affected by climate change.
The Sierra Club Illinois Chapter was formed in 1959 as the Great Lakes Chapter with the mission to explore, enjoy, and protect Illinois. They work every day to protect our environment through activism, outings, politics and legislation.
I am honored to receive an endorsement from the Illinois National Organization for Women. As State Representative, I fight for economic justice and reproductive rights for the women of Illinois. I will continue to work to end discrimination based on race, gender or sexual identity.
NOW is the largest, most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the United States. Our purpose is to TAKE ACTION to bring women into full participation in society – sharing equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination.
The strength of unions is directly reflected in the well being and quality of life of our community.
[AFL-CIO] Union members understand that our lives and security are dramatically affected by laws and government policies. As we celebrate more than 60 years since the founding of the Illinois AFL-CIO, our resolve remains to be a unified movement dedicated to advancing the many interests of working families.
"Being raised in a union family and knowing the meaning of having these communities to fight and support each member, it means so much to receive the endorsement from the Chicago Federation of Labor that connects and supports the union families of Chicago and beyond."
With 300 affiliated unions representing half-a-million members, the Chicago Federation of Labor is the umbrella organization for Chicago and Cook County’s labor unions.
As the daughter of life-long union members, Maura is proud to stand with IUOE Local 150 and looks forward to working with them to improve the quality of life for the hard working people of Illinois.
The International Union of Operating Engineers represents the interests of more than 400,000 of its members across North America. Collectively with our local unions, we unite the voices of our members on bread-and-butter economic issues at all levels of government, including Congress, federal agencies, state and local governments, and the Canadian national and provincial governments.
I am proud to stand for union rights and honored to have LiUNA Chicago District’s endorsement.
LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – is a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build the United States and Canada. LIUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council represents a diverse group of over 20,000 hard working men and women in the construction, municipal, and industrial sectors. United through collective bargaining agreements that ensure family-supporting pay, good benefits, safety on the job, and the opportunity for advancement, we build and maintain our country's infrastructure, keep our communities clean and safe, and our government operating efficiently. The Chicago Laborers' District Council consists of 15 Affiliated Locals with jurisdictions covering Cook, DuPage, Lake, Will, Kane, Kendall, McHenry, Grundy, and Boone counties.
Our public workers keep our communities counties, and state functioning. We all can live better because union workers work for the people.
Union members know there’s strength in numbers, and in Illinois, public service workers are strong with AFSCME Council 31. Statewide, AFSCME represents more than 90,000 active and retired employees of state, county and city governments, state universities, local school districts and nonprofit agencies.
I stand by workers’ right to organize and am proud to work with unions that support the hard working people of Illinois.
Chicago Journeymen Plumbers’ Local Union 130 with over 6,100 members is one of the largest straight-line plumbing locals in the United Association (UA) which represents 350,000+ building tradesmen across the United States and Canada. The quality of our people, our great size and our loyalty to each other makes Local 130 UA a strong and respected voice in the construction piping industry and community.
People working together always rise higher than each person for themselves. I am humbled every time a union endorses my candidacy, to help keep Illinois working together for the betterment of all.